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amjs澳金沙门药业 传递健康

amjs澳金沙门药业 传递健康


amjs澳金沙门药业 传递健康

amjs澳金沙门药业 传递健康



发布时间:2018年12月25日 浏览次数:

2018年12月23日,上海 -- 山东amjs澳金沙门药业股份有限公司(以下简称“amjs澳金沙门药业”)宣布公司与印度阿拉宾度制药有限公司(Aurobindo Pharma,以下简称“阿拉宾度制药”)签订战略合作协议,双方将共同在中国设立合资公司,联合投资研发和生产体系以引进呼吸领域产品。阿拉宾度制药将通过合资公司把更多具有技术壁垒的呼吸领域产品及技术转移到中国,并且实现本地化生产;合资公司将拥有众多已在美国以及欧洲获取上市批件的产品,未来将持续给中国、美国及欧洲市场供货,为三地的患者带来更多更好的用药选择。

Shanghai, China - Dec, 23 2018 -- Shandong Luoxin Pharmaceutical Group (hereinafter referred to as "Luoxin Pharmaceutical") today announced the company has reached an agreement with Aurobindo Pharma Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Aurobindo Pharma") to establish a joint venture company in China and invest in both R&D and manufacturing systems on respiratory products. Aurobindo Pharma will transfer respiratory products and technical know-hows with technologic barriers to China for local manufacturing; the joint venture company will possess numerous products approved by US FDA and EMA, and manufacture respiratory products to supply China, US and EU markets to provide more and better options for patients in those regions. 

阿拉宾度制药是全球前五大仿制药制药公司,1992年在印度上市。公司具备非常强健的产品线,主要专注于呼吸系统、中枢神经系统、心血管系统、消化系统、抗感染、抗逆转录病毒(HIV)、糖尿病和抗过敏等治疗领域。公司产品拥有优异的质量和有竞争力的成本,销售涵盖美国、欧洲、新兴市场等150多个国家,具备很强的产品供应能力。通过自身的研发能力,阿拉宾度制药迅速在全球范围内申请专利、DMFs、ANDAs和仿制药技术资料,目前是印度DMFs备案和ANDAs申报最多的仿制药企业。阿拉宾度制药多数工厂都通过了美国FDA和欧盟COS 认证,使其产品不断向着高技术、高附加值和高端市场迈进。今年9月,阿拉宾度收购了仿制药巨头山德士在美国的业务,使其成为美国市场第二大仿制药企业。

Aurobindo Pharma, a publicly listed company in India since 1992, is a top 5 generic pharmaceutical company globally. The company boasts a strong R&D pipeline focused on respiratory, central nerve system, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal track, anti-infectious, anti-HIV, diabetes, and other therapeutic areas. The products are of high quality, affordability and supply-chain sustainability, and have been sold in more than 150 countries across US, EU and emerging markets. The company has the most DMF and ANDA applications among all India generic companies, and many of its manufacturing sites are FDA and COS certified. The company acquired the commercial operations in the US from Sandoz in September this year, making it the second largest generic company in US.  


China still faces enormous unmet medical needs. After the recent implementation of ‘4+7 Quantity Procurement’ policy enacted by the central government, it is of paramount importance to provide patients with high quality and affordable medicines.  The recent new regulations on expediting regulatory processes and acceptance of overseas clinical study data have a positive impact on bringing high quality pharmaceutical products from overseas into China market. Under these circumstances, the collaboration between Luoxin and Aurobindo is of great strategic importance given the competiveness of Indian pharmaceutical companies in terms of quality and cost. Luoxin Pharma will continue to utilize its rich experience in external collaboration and bring more high quality products into China, thus benefiting the patients and helping alleviate the medical expense burden.  


Mr. Ryan Liu, the Executive Chairman of Luoxin Pharma said, “Luoxin highly values the collaboration with Aurobindo. While we expect to hold further discussions with Aurobindo on products and business models, we look forward to collaborating with more outstanding pharmaceutical companies, domestic and abroad. Our ultimate strategic goal is to achieve win-win situations and energize our partners via Luoxin’s advantages in the whole healthcare value chain established over the years, eventually benefiting the Chinese patients, the Chinese healthcare industry, and the country.”
